Guess the game give away 3/27/2024

Hi all,

Another week for a lucky user walk away with $50.00 bonus. The contest is simple, just comment on this topic with the name of the game the below image was taken from for a chance to win a $50 bonus. :dancer: :dancer:

Rules will be as follows:

  1. Only one entry will be accepted per player.
  2. To qualify, the winning account must have made at least one deposit.
  3. All correct answers will be entered into a raffle then one winner picked randomly.
  4. The deadline for submissions will be 5:00p ET on March 30th, 2024. Any submissions after that time will not be accepted.
  5. The bonus will be issued to the lucky winner by 5:30p March 30th.

Good luck to everyone!


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Aztec Fire?

I believe it to be Aztec Fire?

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Congratulations @katem2021 and @MoppyB you will be placed in the draw.


